Hey there everybody, I'm currently looking for a car, it's a NISSAN SHITBOX MODEL OF 1987, if you see this make or model anywhere, ring-a-ling to me! READ MY OLDER POSTS, THEY MIGHT RELATE TO YOU BETTER IF YOU FAIL TO GRASP THE HUMOR IN THE NEWER POSTS.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Of Weaboos and Grammar Nazis

Roll up weaboos (or Japanophiles, use the vernacular which you find the least derogatory) I've a comic for all of you Pocky sucking, Ramen loving queers.

The next one will describe a unique band of individuals who feel inclined to enforce the laws of grammar.

Yes, sometimes, the Grammar Nazi won't recieve sex. At least on his part.

Commerate the Veterans Gentlemen!

As the title implies, November the 11th will be around soon enough. Have you put any thought into commemorating the valiant warriors of both World Wars? Well, I have. I've sent an email to First Lieutenant James Megellas of the 82nd Airborne Division, the most celebrated airborne officer to witness front line duties. The American troops weren't the only ones participating to defend the the free arm of the world. Their British counterparts deserve a mention as well. Sadly, The Last Tommy, otherwise colloquially known as Tommy Atkins, the last surviving serviceman from World War 1 passed on in glory.

Much to my chagrin, I will, without hesitation, honour the death of the Last Tommy, as should you (if you are reading this of course). Mark this day in your journals, calendars or perpetual pin-up girl calendars men, this will be a day to reckon with honour, dignity and reverence.

P.S- The attached image is a picture from the Royal Irish Rifles in Somme of 1916. Such was the harsh and contemptous nature of trench warfare.