Hey there everybody, I'm currently looking for a car, it's a NISSAN SHITBOX MODEL OF 1987, if you see this make or model anywhere, ring-a-ling to me! READ MY OLDER POSTS, THEY MIGHT RELATE TO YOU BETTER IF YOU FAIL TO GRASP THE HUMOR IN THE NEWER POSTS.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dearest of All My Friends

Hey y'all,

I know this is going to come off as a publicity stint, but no, I'm not marketing or advertising for anything except a good ol buddy of mine's blog. http://yusso.blogspot.com/This is the link to Rezal's blog. I honestly think that his blog is DEFINITELY worth a lookie see at. Much more that mine at least. Don't be a prat, take a gander and you might just appreciate fine prose.


Ma-El Ray Tan said...

Thanks Nick, =D.

But then, who was BLOG?

Tha Funky Homosapien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tha Funky Homosapien said...

No problem Rez. :D. Blog was I, but then, WHO WAS I?

sLeePErzFrEak said...

wow, fags talking