Hey there everybody, I'm currently looking for a car, it's a NISSAN SHITBOX MODEL OF 1987, if you see this make or model anywhere, ring-a-ling to me! READ MY OLDER POSTS, THEY MIGHT RELATE TO YOU BETTER IF YOU FAIL TO GRASP THE HUMOR IN THE NEWER POSTS.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I ain't dead yet.

Heyo everybody, as the title suggests, I ain't dead yet. After my indefinite hiatus, I've decided to sit down on this sagging chair and attempt to type down something worthwhile reading or at least for your eyes. Now, I've a whole load of shit stashed in my PC which I'll be posting up here every now and then. And fret not, I'll try to haul myself over here to put down something new every now and then. The next post should be up in a bit.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be tonight's entertainment......And now, for something completely unrelated.

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